&'a Struct<'a> and covariance

Here's a situation that looks similar to borrowing something forever, but is actually somewhat different.

fn main() {
struct Person<'a> {
    given: &'a str,
    sur: &'a str,

impl<'a> Person<'a> {
    //       vvvvvvvv `&'a Person<'a>`
    fn given(&'a self) -> &'a str {

fn example(person: Person<'_>) {
    // Unlike when we borrowed something forever, this compiles
    let _one = person.given();
    let _two = person.given();

The difference is that &U is covariant in U, so lifetimes can "shrink" behind the reference (unlike &mut U, which is invariant in U). Person<'a> is also covariant in 'a, because all of our uses of 'a in the definition are in covariant position.

What all this means is that &'long Person<'long> can coerce to a &'short Person<'short>. As a result, calling Person::given doesn't have to borrow the person forever -- it only has to borrow person for as long as the return value is used.

Note that the covariance is required! A shared nested borrow where the inner lifetime is invariant is still almost as bad as the "borrowed forever" &mut case. Most of this page talks about the covariant case; we'll consider the invariant case at the end.

This is still a yellow flag

Even though it's not as problematic as the &mut case, there is still something non-ideal about that signature: it forces the borrow of person to be longer than it needs to be. For example, this fails:

fn main() {
struct Person<'a> { given: &'a str }
impl<'a> Person<'a> { fn given(&'a self) -> &'a str { self.given } }
struct Stork(String);
impl Stork { fn deliver(&self, _: usize) -> Person<'_> { Person { given: &self.0 } } }
fn example(stork: Stork) {
    let mut last = "";
    for i in 0..10 {
        let person = stork.deliver(i);
        last = person.given();
        // ...
    println!("Last: {last}");

person has to remain borrowed for as long the return value is around, because we said &self and the returned &str have to have the same lifetime.

If we instead allow the lifetimes to be different:

fn main() {
struct Person<'a> { given: &'a str }
struct Stork(String);
impl Stork { fn deliver(&self, _: usize) -> Person<'_> { Person { given: &self.0 } } }
impl<'a> Person<'a> {
    //       vvvvv We removed `'a` from `&self`
    fn given(&self) -> &'a str {

fn example(stork: Stork) {
    let mut last = "";
    for i in 0..10 {
        let person = stork.deliver(i);
        last = person.given();
        // ...
    println!("Last: {last}");

Then the borrow of person can end immediately after the call, even while the return value remains usable. This is possible because we're just copying the reference out. Or if you prefer to think of it another way, we're handing out a reborrow of an existing borrow we were holding on to, and not borrowing something we owned ourselves.

So now the stork still has to be around for as long as last is used, but the person can go away at the end of the loop.

Allowing the lifetimes to be different is normally what you want to do when you have a struct that's just managing a borrowed resource in some way -- when you hand out pieces of the borrowed resource, you want them to be tied to the lifetime of the original borrow and not the lifetime of &self or &mut self on the method call. It's how borrowing iterators work, for example.

A variation on the theme

Consider this version of the method:

fn main() {
struct Person<'a> { given: &'a str }
impl<'a> Person<'a> {
    fn given(&self) -> &str {

It has the same downside as given(&'a self) -> &'a str: The return value is tied to self and not 'a. It's easy to make this mistake when developing borrowing structs, because the lifetime elision rules nudge you in this direction. It's also harder to spot because there's no &'a self to clue you in.

But sometimes it's perfectly okay

On the flip side, because of the covariance we discussed at the top of this page, there's no practical difference between these two methods:

fn main() {
struct Person<'a> { given: &'a str }
impl<'a> Person<'a> {
    fn foo(&self) {}
    fn bar(&'a self) {}

There's no return value to force the lifetime to be longer, so these methods are going to act the same. There's no reason for the 'a on &'a self, but it's not hurting anything either.

Similarly, within a struct there's rarely a benefit to keeping the nested lifetimes separated, so you might as well use this:

fn main() {
struct Cradle<'a> {
    person: &'a Person<'a>

Instead of something with two lifetimes.

(That said, an even better approach is to not have complicated nested-borrow-holding data structures at all.)

The invariant case

Finally, let's look at a case where it's generally not okay: A shared nested borrow where the inner borrow is invariant.

Perhaps the most likely reason this comes up is due to shared mutability: the ability to mutate things that are behind a shared reference (&). Some examples from the standard library include Cell<T>, RefCell<T>, and Mutex<T>. These shared mutability types have to be invariant over their generic parameter T, just like how &mut T is invariant over T.

Let's see an example, similar to one we've seen before:

fn main() {
use std::cell::Cell;
struct ShareableSnek<'a> {
   owned: String,
   borrowed: Cell<&'a str>,

impl<'a> ShareableSnek<'a> {
    fn bite(&'a self) {

let snek = ShareableSnek {
    owned: "🐍".to_string(),
    borrowed: Cell::new(""),


// Unlike the `&mut` case, we can still use `snek`!  It's borrowed forever,
// but it's "only" *shared*-borrowed forever.

That doesn't seem so bad though, right? Well, it's quite as bad as the &mut case, but it's still usually too restrictive to be useful.

fn main() {
use std::cell::Cell;
struct ShareableSnek<'a> {
   owned: String,
   borrowed: Cell<&'a str>,

impl<'a> ShareableSnek<'a> {
    fn bite(&'a self) {

let snek = ShareableSnek {
    owned: "🐍".to_string(),
    borrowed: Cell::new(""),

let _mutable_stuff = &mut snek;
let _move = snek;

// Having a non-trivial destructor would also cause a failure

Once it's borrowed forever, the snek can only be used in a "shared" way. It can only be mutated using shared mutability, and it can't be moved -- it's pinned in place forever.