Clonable Box<dyn Trait>

What can you do if you want a Box<dyn Trait> that you can clone? You can't have Clone as a supertrait, because Clone requires Sized and that will make Trait be non-object-safe.

You might be tempted to do this:

fn main() {
trait Trait {
    fn dyn_clone(&self) -> Self where Self: Sized;

But then dyn Trait won't have the method available, and that will be a barrier to implementing Trait for Box<dyn Trait>.

But hey, you know what? Since this only really makes sense for base types that implement Clone, we don't need a method that returns Self. The base types already have that, it's called clone.

What we ultimately want is to get a Box<dyn Trait> instead, like so:

fn main() {
trait Trait {
    fn dyn_clone<'s>(&self) -> Box<dyn Trait + 's> where Self: 's;

// example implementor
impl Trait for String {
    fn dyn_clone<'s>(&self) -> Box<dyn Trait + 's> where Self: 's {

If we omit all the lifetime stuff, it only works with Self: 'static due to the default 'static lifetime. And sometimes, that's perfectly ok! But we'll stick with the more general version for this example.

The example implementation will make dyn Trait do the right thing (clone the underlying base type via its implementation). We can't have a default body though, because the implementation requires Clone and Sized, which again, we don't want as bounds.

But this is exactly the situation we had when we looked at manual supertrait upcasting and the self receiver helper in previous examples. The same pattern will work here: move the method to a helper supertrait and supply a blanket implementation for those cases where it makes sense.

fn main() {
trait DynClone {
    fn dyn_clone<'s>(&self) -> Box<dyn Trait + 's> where Self: 's;

impl<T: Clone + Trait> DynClone for T {
    fn dyn_clone<'s>(&self) -> Box<dyn Trait + 's> where Self: 's {

trait Trait: DynClone {}

Now we're ready for Box<dyn Trait + '_>.

fn main() {
trait Trait: DynClone {}
trait DynClone {
   fn dyn_clone<'s>(&self) -> Box<dyn Trait + 's> where Self: 's;
impl<T: Clone + Trait> DynClone for T {
   fn dyn_clone<'s>(&self) -> Box<dyn Trait + 's> where Self: 's {
impl Trait for Box<dyn Trait + '_> {}

impl Clone for Box<dyn Trait + '_> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        // Important! "recursive trait implementation" style

It's important that we called <dyn Trait as DynClone>::dyn_clone! Our blanket implementation of DynClone was bounded on Clone + Trait, but now we have implemented both of those for Box<dyn Trait + '_>. If we had just called self.dyn_clone(), the call graph would go like so:

<Box<dyn Trait> as Clone   >::clone()
<Box<dyn Trait> as DynClone>::dyn_clone()
<Box<dyn Trait> as Clone   >::clone()
<Box<dyn Trait> as DynClone>::dyn_clone()
<Box<dyn Trait> as Clone   >::clone()
<Box<dyn Trait> as DynClone>::dyn_clone()

Yep, infinite recursion. Just like when implementing Trait for Box<dyn Trait>, we need to call the dyn Trait method directly to avoid this.

There is also a crate for this use case: the dyn-clone crate.

A comparison with the crate is beyond the scope of this guide for now.